You're Damn Right I'm a Feminist -- Here's Why There Are So Many of Us [NSFW - PHOTOS]
Yes, I am a Feminist. If you haven't figured that out by now, you have not been paying attention. I am for equal rights. I want to make sure that all women are treated with the same respect as anyone. I would've thought that would be a universal feeling, right?
Sadly, not so. I have found out in the past few days, shockingly, that standing up for equal rights is pretty taboo. It often resorts to people trying to cut you down for standing up for your own equal rights. Let me just give you a few real experiences:
Had a Lady 'Slut Shame' Me
Yep, it happened. Since I like to take fun pictures that involve me in my underwear, my opinion is somehow tainted. That line of logic just doesn't stand. It also is especially ridiculous coming from a woman. Come on sister! Don't be jealous. That doesn't help your argument.
I reminded her that the now First Lady has been known to take a few risque photos and really she should pump the breaks on her 'slut shaming'. She of course backed off and told me that she is just exercising her First Amendment rights. Same here, sweetie!
Guys Who Just Don't Get It At All
I hate to even suggest this because I know not all guys are like this, but some guys don't understand how serious this issue is to everyone. It pisses me off to no end when guys make jokes about the Women's March on Washington being a 'Bitches Convention' or 'Angry Feminists Gathering' or various other ignorant things.
Look, guys, you would be mad if every freaking day you had to prove yourself worthy of being a human being worthy of equal rights. You would also be pissed off if every 4 years or so, a bunch of dudes gather to talk about what you can and cannot do with your vagina in a legal capacity. Equal rights is not a damn joke.
Dudes Who Think Feminism Is An Attack On Them
Guys, feminists do not hate you. Feminism is built on equal rights for everyone. I really don't understand how women having equal opportunities is somehow taking away from anyone. If anything, it's great for us all. Don't try to hijack the conversation by claiming that us ladies getting equal is somehow a front on your masculinity. I know I'm making assumptions, but I think this fear stems from a lack of compassion.
I don't know about you, but I am getting really sick and tired of having to explain to people that they should champion women's rights because this is basic human rights we are talking about. I don't want more than you. I don't want to take anything from you or your accomplishments. I just want a level playing field where we can all work together and build each other up. Why is this idea so radical?
Stand Up And Be Heard
I know I said I am sick and tired, but you know what? I will continue to fight for my basic human rights and for all women. My right to equal pay for equal work. My right to make decisions about my body. And my right to exist. I will take the time to kindly educate anyone who would like to talk about this subject.Until, you tell me that I should 'close my legs' or 'learn to swallow' when it comes to a discussion about abortion rights . Or tell me that the reason why we will not be talking about women's contribution to history in grade school because it is 'not important'. Or tell me that it is my 'duty as a woman to bare children for your man'. By the way, all of those examples are real discussions that I have had. These ways of thinking are still around and are widely excepted. That will not continue. It stops now. Just know that, I will unleash my pent up anger and you will feel it if you choose to 'mansplain' to me. It might be an expertly laid sarcastic remark, or the ol' faithful 'go fuck yourself', either way, you will know my opinion.