Hey Nazi Scum, We Don't Want You in Our Panties -- Opinion from a Completely PO'ed White Lady [NSFW-Language]
I really cannot believe that I have to say this: No, nazis we don't think you are the coolest, nor do we want your dicks. While watching the horrible events unfold in Charlottesville, VA where a bunch of white supremacist assholes with nothing better to do, caused irreversible damage to a community & our Nation, I saw a horrifying narrative come out of this and many other hateful events. White supremacists were congratulating themselves on Twitter and claiming that they could walk into a bar right now and get so much 'white pussy'. No. I am going to go ahead and overreach and speak for all white women. No. We do not want you, and we will never degrade ourselves to even be touched by you limp dicked pieces of true human garbage. I have seen this claim numerous times. The claim that these white supremacist/KKK/nazis men are doing all of this terror to 'protect' white women from being sullied by other races and that all white women really want a nazi to call ...